« BackNews: Bioenergy To Cut Greenhouse Gas On NZ Farms

Bioenergy To Cut Greenhouse Gas On NZ Farms

New Zealand could be using more bioenergy solutions in an attempt to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions produced on its farms.

The government has revealed its proposals to offer credits for farms that can reduce their gross greenhouse gas emissions – a move the Bioenergy Association of New Zealand said will “open up opportunities for farmers to offset biological emissions from livestock”.

Speaking with Bioenergy Insight, Brian Cox, executive officer of the Bioenergy Association, said: “There is little recognition of the very significant carbon absorption that farmers already do. With a better regulatory framework, as is proposed by the government, farmers will have recognition of the wide range of sustainable agricultural initiatives they have available.”

He stated that wood from shelterbelts, as well as crop residues, can undergo bioenergy treatments and, subsequently, be used as biofuel, which will reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

As the biomass fuel options are currently not included in the emission trading scheme rules, farmers in New Zealand get no recognition or credit for their environmentally friendly procedures.

However, Mr Cox noted that by processing dairy effluent and food wastes through the process of anaerobic digestion (AD), farmers can go on to produce electricity, heating and cooling for their own sites and vehicles.

“The bio-fertiliser also produced can be used to replace inorganic fertilisers, thus reducing emissions from fertiliser use,” he added.

The value of biogas has recently been highlighted in research from the World Biogas Association. Its latest study found biogas could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 13 per cent, as it is a viable substitute for coal, oil and natural gas, Energy Live News revealed.

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